A Great Write-up About Workflow Breakdown of Every Best Picture and Best Editing Oscar Nominee Written by DAVID KONG, March 5, 2018 We at Frame.io love getting nerdy about workflows, so when we had the opportunity to speak to a few of the teams behind this year’s...
An interesting read from Metal Floss BY JAKE ROSSEN. http://mentalfloss.com/article/91351/14-secrets-movie-trailer-editors JANUARY 26, 2017 ISTOCK Decades ago, Hollywood used to put previews of their coming attractions after the conclusion of their theatrical...
Put it simply, in the analogy of cooking, a trailer editor, just like a good Chef, takes all the different ingredients and combines them to create the perfect meal. In the case of a trailer those ingredients are 1) the script from the producing / writing team. 2) The...
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